sábado, 5 de maio de 2012

Arrebita!Porto - A Social Initiative

Today i would like to show you one of the brilliant fresh and young initiatives that are starting in our country, precisely in the city of Porto (North of Portugal).

The winner of the competition called "FAZ - Ideias de Origem Portuguesa", organized by two of the most prestigious foundations in Portugal, the "Fundação Calouste Gulbenkein" and "Fundação Talento" is called Arrebita!Porto.

The Jury's words about Arrebita: 

"The project that better fulfilled the competition's goals based on the criteria of originality, innovation, potential of social impact and sustainability." 

The project mission is to fight the abandonment of city inner centre, as the Censos 2011 concluded in the past decade the centre of the city of Porto lost a third of it's population. The root of the problem lies on the failure of real state market, it's not profitable to refurbish, and reverting this process is one of the goals of this initiative.

Arrebita!Porto consists in designing a new market system in which refurbishing evolves profits for all the parts of the process.  By forming a collaborative network where the value of refurbish buildings is obtain not by cash payments for services, but with the exchanges of mutual interests.

They are proud to announce that Arrebita!Porto project is able to derelict buildings money free and without any costs to the homeowner. 


Besides the homeowner the Arrebita!Porto needs the collaboration of three parties:

- International Architects and Engineering students that come to Portugal to participate in a work program and experience, gaining from the knowledge obtain by experienced masters.

- Supplier and Construction companies that donates the needed materials, equipment and services; obtaining tax benefits.

- The professors of the Technical schools that monitor and supervise the process, gaining case studies for their courses.

The project as already started in April, beginning with five international students cleaning and initiate the survey of a chosen building by the Camâra Municipal of Porto. The full rehabilitation of the derelict is estimated in two years, by that time it's possible to understand if the project works and if the process was profitable to all.

I sympathize so much with this kind of ideas, so simple, effective and bringing new energy/blood to the city, a win-win situation; the theory it's PERFECT but only time will show if  the practice really works.

More informations about this project just check www.arrebita.com  or www.facebook.com/arrebita.porto

Over and Out.

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